Dennis Wagner
Dennis Wagner is a licensed psychologist in the state of Kentucky. Dennis Wagner specializes in treating children/ adolescents using Behavioral, Cognitive/Behavioral, Evaluation/Diagnostic, Forensic Evaluation, Psychodynamic, Psychological Testing and Evaluation, Transactional Analysis (TA).
Dennis Wagner speciality training provides the expertise in treating those who are victims of Anxiety/Panic Disorders, Depression, Forensic, LGBTQ Issues, Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, Sexual Abuse/Rape, Testing Issues.
Dennis Wagner earned a EdD degree of Educational and Counseling Psychology from University of Louisville in 1987. Dennis Wagner has over 43 Years of experience in the psychology field. Dennis Wagner currently practices at Dennis E. Wagner, Ed.D..
Educational and Counseling Psychology
University of Louisville
AETNA Health, Inc., AETNA Inc. (Open Choice), American LIFECARE, Inc., BestCare, Inc., Blue Cross and Blue Shield (HMO), BlueCross BlueShield (GroupCare), CIGNA HealthCare (PPO), Coventry Health Care, Coventry Health Care (PPO), FARA PPO Network, Health Plus, Horizon Behavioral Services, Magellan Behavioral Health, Managed Health Network, Ochsner Health Plan, PacifiCare Behavioral Health, PPOplus, LLC, Private Healthcare Systems, Tenet Choices, Inc., Tenet Choices, Inc. (Medicare PPO), United Behavioral Health, United Healthcare, United HealthCare (Options PPO), Vantage Health Plan, Inc., Medicaid, Medicare
Anxiety/Panic Disorders, Depression, Forensic, LGBTQ Issues, Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, Sexual Abuse/Rape, Testing Issues
Behavioral, Cognitive/Behavioral, Evaluation/Diagnostic, Forensic Evaluation, Psychodynamic, Psychological Testing and Evaluation, Transactional Analysis (TA)
Heterosexual, Gay
Male, Female, Transgender
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