ADHD Quiz for Toddlers, Preschoolers & Children (5 to 9 years old)

Is my toddler ADHD? Does my preschooler have ADHD? How to know if a younger child has ADHD? If you suspect that your child has ADHD, you may check early signs of ADHD in toddlers or use our free ADHD quiz as anecdotal evidence, and investigate further.


Early ADHD signs checklist for toddlers

Many children with symptoms of ADHD can be diagnosed as young as age 4. For younger children like 2-3 years old toddlers, it may be hard to know whether they would meet these criteria. Sometimes, a development problem may lead to a wrong diagnosis of ADHD. For these young age children, an accurate diagnosis is best made by a pediatrician or child psychiatrist specializing in behavior and development.

The parents may check some early signs that are associated with an ADHD diagnosis for 3-5 years old children.

  • Nearly always restless
  • Talk nonstop and more noise
  • Climb on everything, run around
  • Constantly being in motion
  • Unable to concentrate or listen for long
  • Having an inability to sit still for calm activities

What to expect from our ADHD quiz for preschoolers & children

Our online ADHD test is specifically designed to evaluate the behavior of children between the ages of 4 and 9 years of age. Below is a list of questions related to life experiences common among preschoolers & children diagnosed with ADHD. It may help parents to check the signs and symptoms of ADHD in preschoolers and middle childhood.

Check these signs or answer our quiz keeping in mind that you want to compare your son or daughter with other children at the same age. To be diagnosed with ADHD, a child must have a specified number of ADHD symptoms for at least 6 months that show up in more than one setting. For example, if your child has behaviors at home that may look like ADHD but does not have these behaviors in situations outside the home, there may be another problem.

Remember, our online test is only an ADHD questionnaire for 5-9 years old children, not a diagnostic assessment tool. Only a trained child mental health professional is qualified to evaluate and diagnose an ADHD condition. A thorough diagnosis for ADHD can only be made through clinical evaluation. All that said, the ADHD Quiz is a great starting point on the journey of self-education, perhaps a valuable first step toward getting treatment for your love.

If this quiz says my child has ADHD, what does it mean? First off, don’t panic! As we mentioned before, this quiz is not a professional diagnosis. In the meantime, discuss any concerns about your child’s development with your professionals specialized in recognizing ADHD may be a great next step.

Take our ADHD quiz for Preschooler & Child (5 to 9 years old)

Your child appears to constantly be active, as if they’re driven by an internal motor that demands them to move around.

Your child doesn’t cooperate in public areas, such as shopping malls and restaurants, where they’re expected not to be hyperactive.

Your child treats all areas as their own playground, climbing and running out of habit.

Your child tends to be hyper and restless in any given scenario.

Your child is impatient and doesn’t wait their turn during games and group sessions.

Your child isn’t capable of playing silently when playing in a group or independently.

Your child shows displeasure in situations where they are asked to remain seated, whether outside, at school, or at home.

When a task demands an extra level of attention and effort, your child does not enjoy this activity and may not feel compelled to do it.

Your child’s attention span is short, and their focus drifts off easily.

Your child will only ever show interest in activities that they’re genuinely interested in.

ADHD Quizzes:


Last Updated on October 5, 2021